
Spent Time

Time Stamp
free rating
William Rouck
Time Stamp can be used by professionals who need a reliable timing...
the total time elapsed, total slack time (i.e...or print the time spent while performing
Easy Time Tracking Pro
Logic Software Inc.
Easy Time Tracking Pro is a time tracking application that allows users to track the time spent doing...
users to track the time spent doing certain activities...In short, Easy Time Tracking Pro
Work Time
NesterSoft Company
Work Time allows users to track the time they spend doing...
and working time on a list), report time...start and finish time, and working time ), report
Work Time Monitor by Roi Buchnik
free rating
Roi Buchnik
Work Time Monitor is a free and terribly useful application that will record every second of your working...
these settings, Work Time Monitor can start logging...days and time, the average work time, the extra
Ascella Fullscreen Timer
free rating
AAR Software LLC.
Ascella Fullscreen Timer assists you with your sport...
to measure the time you've spent for particular exercise...easily see the time you've spent being
Congregation Meeting Timer
free rating
Cerebrum Consulting Inc
Congregation Meeting Timer is a comprehensive and efficient application that helps you calculate the time for each meeting...
know how much time they have spent...tracks and records the time each speaker takes
Simple Task Timer
AGWords Ltd.
This program lets you keep track of all your projects details...
of several projects at a time. Thus, an application...you know how much time have you worked
Xpert-Timer Software
A tiime tracking software which can help you keep accurate track of the time spent...
track of the time spent for each...team. The networkable project time tracking software includes
Desktop Timer
free rating
Jianway Ltd
Many employers have sought for ways to improve the efficiency of their employees. Now, with Desktop Timer you can log...
record the amount of time spent on a given task...picture of where time has been spent
My Time Manager
Eline Merchandising
My Time Manager is ideal for keeping track of the amount of time spent on daily tasks for both the personal and professional...
for keeping track of time spent on daily tasks...specified intervals of time. My Time Manager
Complete Time Tracking Pro
Complete Time Tracking is easy to use, accurate and flexible. We recognize that around 80% of the time spent tracking...
of the time spent tracking your time...reporting previously recorded time, configuing
Video Chat Timer & Capture
free rating
Teds Software
Video Chat Timer & Capture is a simple to use...
keep track of the time spent and calculates the cost
FRS Time Tracker Pro
Fast Rabbit Software, LLC
For teachers: -Track the amount of time you spend grading papers each week...
the amount of time spent on various projects...Know the amount of time spent on homework each night
Reliable Task Timer
Advanced Reliable Software, Inc.
Reliable Task Timer is a timer / logger utility that allows precise calculation of time spent...
allows precise calculation of time spent on a specific task...task start date and time, task
Visual Time Spent
Sergey Vlasov
Visual Time Spent automatically tracks your time spent working on solutions...
Visual Time Spent automatically tracks your time spent working...to see overall time
VeriTime Time Tracker Pro
Phillip Flores
VeriTime Time Tracker is a Windows application that lets you to keep track of task...
for the time you spent in working...time spent in tasks. Task times can be tracked
Advanced Time Reports Link
Xpress Software Inc.
ATR Link is a wizard-style application for exporting your time tracking & project...
for exporting your time tracking & project...and instantly reduce time spent on reentering
Time Sled
This product is a time tracking utility. If you feel a need in calculation of your time that spent...
be calculating the time spent...of the time spent under different time sections
Advanced Time Reports Timer
rating Xpress Software Inc.
ATR Timer helps you to track your projects and time spent with a single click...
track your projects and time spent with a single click...can allocate your time to a specific
Acute Softwares Timer
rating Acute Software
Acute Softwares Timer is a very useful program which records time elapsed...
program which records time elapsed...compatible logfile. Record time spent on a client's
